The Hanging Gardens of Babylon rises on terraces some 400 feet above the level of the plain. This hanging gardens were built by Nebuchadnezzar about 600 B.C. to console his queen, who missed the mountains, trees and flowers of her native Media.
The Colossus of Rhodes stands over 100 feet tall, this statue of the Greek sun god was completed by the sculptor Chares in 280 B.C. The Colossus stood with one hand shielding its eyes looking over the harbor of the Greek island.
The Lighthouse at Alexandria was built in 279 B.C. on the small island of Pharos by Sostratus of Cnidus for Ptolemy II. The lighthouse was over 400 feet high. The remains of this imposing structure could still be seen in 1480, when the Mamluk ruler Qa'it Bay constructed a fort on the exact site of the lighthouse.
The Statue of Zeus, though small in relation to some of the other wonders of the ancient world, this statue of Zeus, sculpted by the Greek Phidias about 430 B.C., won fame because of its beauty.
"Temple of Artemis" reflects the ancient wonder known as The Temple of Diana (Artemis) at Ephesus. This beautiful temple in Asia Minor was built to honor Diana, Greek goddess of hunting and nature.